Saturday, March 28, 2009

3,000 word essay on Lucy - or 3 new photos

If a photo is worth a 1,000 words, then this is my version of a 3,000 word essay.

Here are 3 snapshots of Lucy running around this weekend. She is looking healthier and stronger than a year ago when I adopted her. And she's even getting more fun!

Friday, March 27, 2009

A new trick? Can it be! Lucy "sings" along!

Okay, getting a dog to sing might not be new, but it's still adorable. While practicing my vocal exercises, I noticed that Lucy would sing along but only to 1 particular exercise, the "eee" exercise.

So, I added a hand signal to the voice request of "Sing!" by pointing to my lips with my hand flat and moving my hand out and then doing the exercise. And yes, I also added another command of "Shh!" with my finger over my lips and gave her treats when she'd suddenly stop.

With all that intro, here's a tiny video clip I got while trying to vocalize with her!

Check it out:

Lucy's long lost brother

Last week, I was taking out my visiting niece and nephew to Locopops on Franklin Street. It was a fun outing and unlike most of our outings, we left Lucy at home.

We were wrapping up our "date" and walking back towards the car, when down the street I saw a white dog with black ears and black spots sitting. This dog was a spitting image of Lucy. "Come on' guys, walk faster! I've got to meet that dog!" The kids agreed and I heard a few "oohhhss" and "ahhhsss, it does look just like Lucy."

I rushed up to this young couple and a woman who appeared to be a visiting relative. I asked if I could meet their dog. They were all friendly. I knelt down and was greeted by Peanuts. Peanuts was white with black marbeling on his torso, had black ears and some brown and black markings on his face. He was exactly the same size, weight and temprament as Lucy. "Oh my goodness, Peanut is just like Lucy, it's unbelievable." The owner,Michelle, smiled but I could see that she wasn't quite buying my story. I asked where they adopted Peanut. It was also the Orange County Shelter. I asked how old Peanut was. Peanut was also about a year or year and a half. Then, I got them convinced. I took out my iPhone and showed them a photo of Lucy. The three of them literally gasped, "Oh My God! She looks just like Peanut!"

We chatted for a while about the dogs and guessed that they are indeed related, if not brother and sister. I was so excited about meeting Lucy's brother. We exchanged phone numbers and email addresses and agreed to meet up soon and have an "introduction" for Lucy and Peanut.

After the meeting, I was upset with myself for not getting a picture of Peanut. This was disapointing to Stuart too who was not there for that 1 outing to Locopops. Last week, I emailed Michelle and asked to meet soon, possibly next weekend (aka this weekend now) to have the dogs meet. I didn't hear back a while and felt disappointed. But last night, I got an email back that they would love to set up the meeting for this Sunday afternoon and that she had checked out the "Lucy blog" and really liked it. It turns out that Peanut is also gifted when it comes to doing tricks.

I can't wait to see Peanut again and have Lucy & Peanut meet! I hope I can get them to pose for a photo for me together. Now I wonder if there are any other siblings of Lucy and Peanut still out there. I bet that there are since most litters have at least 3 - 5 dogs. I would love to have Lucy meet all of her siblings. Heck, I'd love to adopt another dog like Lucy!