Sunday, April 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Lucy!!!

Today is the anniversary of Lucy's adoption! We adopted her on April 10th 2008. It's been 3 wonderful years of spending time with Lucy -- walking, hiking, playing and snuggling. A few changes over the years:

~ Lucy is now allowed on the bed. BUt this is only when she is invited and it's only for short-times.
~ We no longer crate Lucy. She is fully house-trained and she has two dog beds to choose from.
~ Lucy has gotten a little more snuggly. She likes her ears rubbed and once in a while will roll over and hint that she wants a belly rub too.
~Lucy has over the years learned lots of dog tricks beyond sitting and staying. A few dog tricks in her repetoire include:
*"Get it" -- where we place a dog treat on the floor and make her wait for a minute and then give the release command to "get it"! I never thought she'd be able to do that one!
*Spin (where she turns her head and spins around in either direction)
*Waive -- where she raises one paw pretty high
*High-Five -- similar to the wave
*Weave -- where she weaves between the legs
*Up! -- where she jumps over your leg, a stick, or through a hula-hoop! This one is my personal favorite and gets the most ohhss and ahhs

~Lastly, Lucy has become part of the fabric of our lives. Feeding Lucy, snuggling with her, playing with her and walking with her are simply part of our daily routine. These activities bring us great joy.

Happy Birthday Lucy!!!