Sunday, December 21, 2008

My first birthday celebration with Lucy in my life

December 14th 2008

This was the first birthday in my life that I had a dog in my life. Lucy has grown to mean so much to me.

On Saturday December 13th, I had an evening planned out with friends. Saturday was Stuart's birthday! So our outing was partly for his birthday - the beer tasting portion - and partly for mine - going out dancing. The next morning, after our breakfast, Lucy examined the birthday gifts by the door. I'll have to upload a cute pic I took of her doing this.

Sunday December 14th, the actual day of my birthday, we were lazy around the house, even napping in the afternoon. That evening we went with Stuart over to my parents' house for a "Birthday Dinner". Lucy got to join in the festivities. I think that's the evening she helped herself to her Christmas present. It was in the kitchen closet at my parents house. She can open that door and is highly motivated too because inside are her treats and food! So, Lucy got to play with her squeeky green plush toy frog all evening. We heard the sqeeking noise as she chewed happily on it. As usual, she was smiley and adorable.

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