Thursday, April 22, 2010

Playing with big sticks - not a good idea.

As they say, It's all fun and games, until someone looses an eye. Well, for a small dog like Lucy who thinks she's a big dog who likes to chew on large sticks or fallen branches, the phrase should be, It's all fun chewing and fetching, until a big branch swings you in the jaw and knocks out a tooth. Poor thing got a tooth knocked loose late Sunday afternoon. She kept rubbing her paw over her mouth and I figured something was stuck. I looked a few times in her mouth, gently reaching into her mouth to look for a string or piece of bark, but found nothing. A few hours later, Stuart looked again and we saw a small tooth that was very loose. I made a vet appointment to see how we could help her.

Then the strange thing happened. The vet couldn't find anything wrong with Lucy's teeth. Yes, a few of her small teeth are oddly shaped, but there were no signs of damage or problems. I still don't understand what happened, but am thankful that Lucy is alright and pain free.

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