Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bee Killer Lucy

So, how do you have a yard with 20,000 bees and 1 dog? Sounds simple, doesn't it? Well, of course, you keep them away from each other. First of all, bees don't like the smell of dogs and if Lucy were to get too close to their hives, they might swarm to protect the hive and sting her many times over. We don't let her get close to the hives and she seems to have zero interest in them anyway.

The only problem has been us hanging out on the back porch. Lucy is enthralled by the few random bees that buzz around. She thinks that they are her own personal entertainment and can literally snatch one out of the sky with her jaws. Not good. After 2 or 3 of these episodes, I got so frustrated that I took Lucy back into the house and at the end of day, at dusk, let her back out on the porch with me. Once it starts to get dark, the bees tend to go "home" or stay closer to their hive....

Then I noticed that she seemed lethargic and just not quite herself so I got worried that she might have been stung in her mouth or on her jowels. I asked my mom as a favor to take her to the vet on Monday. Thankfully, she got a clean bill of health, but the vet suggested to give her some benadryl in case she was stung and maybe had allergies to that.

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