Friday, November 26, 2010

Spa Day for Lucy

Today, Lucy got the full doggie-spa (home) treatment:

1-Dental care: We brushed her teeth with the doggie toothpaste that's flavored like chicken. Unfortunatly she doesn't enjoy this much, but tolerates it. She likes to just lick the toothbrush and then chew on it. So, I'm not sure how much actual brushing we get done, but it's better than not trying at all.

2-Nail filing: We used the Pedi-Paws nail file device to file her nails. Lucy also doesn't care for this, but she was a quiet trooper, sitting there patiently, while Stuart had one paw in his hand and then the other. We gave her a few treats to let her know she was doing well.

3- Furminator: I think we each spent about 10 or 15 minutes brushing Lucy with the Furminator. She seemed to mind these less than the other "spa treatments" and even laid down a while calmly while I brushed her back. I was surprised by the large wad of fur on the floor from the furminator. I took a picture. Check it out:

4-Bath: Okay, Lucy really doesn't like bath-time. When we call her into the bathroom, she suddenly runs down the hall and hides under the bed. So, this time, we closed all the bedroom doors and got her gently into the bathroom. We did have to pick her up and place her in the tub and her ears were back a bit, implying she wasn't happy. But she's always like that and then once we're done, she's happy and clean and looks so much better!

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