Thursday, September 22, 2011

5 frogs, 1 slug and 1 dog

Last night, Lucy and I took our usual evening walk. What was different this time is that it was already dark, at only 6.45pm. I put on her little reflective vest, and put a small reflective strip around my ankle and make sure to take my cool oval flashlight with us. I think I looked a little ridiculous with my red rain jacket, a neon yellow band around my waist too and my black baseball hat with little built in lights in it. At least I knew that we'd be spotted by any headlights and be safe.

On our little walk, we saw not one, or two or even three frogs but 5! Lucy was adorable as she sniffed at each one and jumped with two frogs to just watch them. It looked like she was playing a game. Only the last time did she try to bite/nip at the frog, which I stopped.

And just when our little adventure was almost over, we came across a large slug on our doorstep. The slug however, as its name implies, didn't make any cool moves, so Lucy wasn't very interested.

The whole outing reminded me of that childhood book series, "Frog & Toad & Friends" which I used to love. I love that last night my evening walk turned into a froggie sighting and a small adventure.


Corinne said...

I need a pic of Lucy in her reflective vest please!

Corinne said...

I need a pic of Lucy in her reflective vest please!