Saturday, November 3, 2012

Saturday brisk walk with Lucy

Today, we took a good a small outing to a local park with a lovely lake.

I tried to keep the pace fast, but Lucy kept pulling me left and right and back and forward. The first few minutes made me regret driving out to the park and not just taking a long walk in our neighborhood, where she is less excited.

After a good 10 minutes of brisk walking and lots of quick tugs on the leash, Lucy finally fell in rhythm with me. Then I started to enjoy the crisp cold air and the sunlight beaming through the trees and sparkling off of the surface of the lake.

Lucy met lots of dogs too, about 6. There was an adorable small black Sharpee, a larger male Benji look-alike, a large pittbull & chocolate lab mix named Sebastien and a few others we walked by. The dog Sebastien immediately did the play bow to Lucy, whom he towered over. Lucy's tail kept wagging, but the longer they snifffed each other, the more the fur on her back slowly started to raise in excitement/tension. I gently pulled her away since once I see her fur raised, it usually leads to her getting unfriendly with the other dog.

All in all, it was a fun walk around the lake and park. To my surprise, she did "her business" though it was the middle of the afternoon. Thankfully, I had a small doggie bag stuffed in my purse for use.

I hope that it doesn't get too cold tonight for our evening walk. It's been terribly cold the past week at night.

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